
Climate Change

Climate change hits the world’s poor hardest

Yet again, it is the world’s poorest who are most impacted by the effects of climate change. Those who have contributed the least emissions are typically the ones facing the worst consequences - increased extreme weather events, greater disease, and displacement.


people are at risk of falling into poverty by 2030 due to the direct effects of climate change

$2.4 trillion

The amount of climate financing needed for developing countries by 2030, if drastic changes do not occur.



the number of climate-related disasters has tripled in the last 30 years.


additional deaths per year between 2030 to 2050 are predicted from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress due to climate change

The last seven years have been the world’s hottest years on record and our planet and its people are desperately calling for change.

Long-term disasters like drought and famine are increasing with 50 million people across 43 countries reported by the UN to be on the brink of famine and in need of immediate support. Unfortunately, there are other health implications too, with the spread of tropical diseases that prefer warmer climates (like malaria). Caring for our neighbour means caring for our planet.

The climate emergency is also worsening inequality. Climate change is both a crisis of unequal making and unequal suffering. Developed countries contributed an estimated 92% of excess historical emissions, while low-income countries contributed just 0.5%.16 The bottom 50% of emitters, who generated just 12% of global emissions, experience 75% of all relative losses, and own only 2% of all [global] wealth.

At Micah, we know that humanitarian development relies on sustainable environmental development and vice versa. This is a call not just to be the good stewards of the planet as tasked by God, but also a call to love our neighbours well. Our neighbours are being displaced from their homes, losing livelihoods and being pushed into poverty. Although the situation seems desperate, we have hope in Christ and in his people to care for one another.

Call on the Australian Government to fight extreme poverty

Through our campaign A Safer World for All, you can call upon the Australian Government to:

  • Rebuild Australian Aid to help nations reduce poverty and become more stable & resilient
  • Increase life-saving humanitarian aid to conflict & hunger hotspots in Ukraine, Myanmar, the Horn of Africa and Middle East.
Take action